The Foot Practice - Understanding Pes Planus Causes

Apr 28, 2024

Welcome to The Foot Practice, your go-to destination for expert foot care and podiatry services.

What is Pes Planus?

Pes planus, commonly known as flat feet, is a condition where the arch of the foot collapses, causing the entire sole to come into complete or near-complete contact with the ground.

Causes of Pes Planus

There are various factors that can contribute to pes planus, including:

  • Genetics
  • Injury or trauma to the foot
  • Muscle or ligament abnormalities
  • Arthritis
  • Obesity

Impact on Health and Daily Life

Individuals with pes planus may experience discomfort, pain, and difficulty in walking or standing for extended periods. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential to alleviate these symptoms.

Preventative Measures and Treatment Options

Managing pes planus involves a combination of lifestyle changes, supportive footwear, orthotic devices, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgical interventions. It is important to consult a podiatrist for personalized treatment recommendations.

Expert Podiatry Services at The Foot Practice

At The Foot Practice, our dedicated team of podiatrists specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of foot conditions, including pes planus. We offer comprehensive care to help you achieve optimal foot health and mobility.

Contact Us Today

If you are experiencing symptoms of pes planus or require professional foot care services, schedule a consultation with The Foot Practice today. Your feet deserve expert care!

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pes planus causes